Saturday, 9 April 2016

A story yet to be told..

I see it in my dream
I wake up and it's a reality off the dream
I close my eyes to dream again
My eyelids now know the light of reality
It is not what I want
But I get what I need
In my dream,
Smiles are free and hearts unite
Joy mixed with love displayed itself without end
But the light of reality hovers around
Hearts filled with deceit cloud faces with scorn
Bitterness clothed in hatred envelope everyone
But there is a story
Yet to be told
A story of the reality hidden in the dream
For Love is the key

Inspiration Hub

  • The Gift of Life is a lot to be excited about, for not everybody enjoys it. No matter the lows you've endured, looking up with gratitude releases the the Divine ladder to climb up!

  • Nothing happens in isolation.
    Actions attract Reactions
    And there's always a cause to every effect

    Be sure your action merits a positive reaction.
    If not, simply purse your lips and pretend all is well

  • No Complexities
    Smile; You look charming
    Give; It's fulfilling
    Forgive; It frees the spirit
    Forget; Your mind is renewed
    Bless; Curses are overturned
    Appreciate; You receive more
    Care; You're never forgotten
    Encourage; You receive power 
    Teach; It's a chance to revise
    Endure; Strength for your bones
    Console; You win a heart
    But when you LOVE; you are a complete package without complexities.
    LOVE makes Life Simple

  • I don't know what the future holds, 
    I don't Know where the path leads, 
    But the smile on my face keeps me afloat
    No matter the circumstance,
    Rocky or Smooth,
    Far or Near,
    Winding or Straight,
    Difficult or Easy,
    I'll keep smiling
    For the end shall surely justify my Smile...

    ‪#‎BePositive‬ ‪#‎KeepSmiling
  • We are born free
    But caged by others' opinions
    Live freely to make positive impact
    For others' opinions are just guides

  • Do you squeeze yourself into a tiny box because the world seems harsh and unfriendly?
    What have you done differently? And who will change that which you are hiding from?
    If you're able to identify a problem, it then means you have the solution.
    Fear is not an option and to resign is failure

  • You're alive and want to give up?
    Ask why your Maker still breathed Life into you this morning and you'll know that you're still in His Divine Master plan.
    It's just a matter of time

  • Life is like Music
    Melodious to me,
    Discordant to you
    High notes here,
    Low notes there
    But music still plays
    And so should Life still go on...

  • Work out your life to fit into God's Master Plan...
    Don't complain in suffering...
    Don't give up in disappointment...
    Disgrace should not bring you down...
    Neither should delay destroy your Faith...
    In all you do, disgrace Hatred with Love.

You dare NOT Resign

Never resign to what life gives you.
Whether good or bad, work it out to fit your desires
Whining and complaining about a bad situation only makes it worse
Here is the deal
Say a little but faithful prayer
Clear up your head and prop it up
Look out for the positives in that issue you think is a problem.
* that job you think should have been yours or that relationship you think should have worked out or even that trip you should have gone on and all the many things that you think should have worked out in your favor
Things actually worked in your favor but you were too busy looking at the negative that the positive eludes you.
I'm not too old but I've had my fair share of things not working out the way I wanted it. Several times, I would cry and waste time asking "why" but the day I decided to look the other way, nothing could put me down.
My little faithful prayer calms me down and everything becomes crystal clear and working it out for my good is no hussle at all.
*Love yourself enough to turn the problem into a Progress because All things work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purpose.(Rom 8:28.*paraphrased)

‪#‎BelieveInYourself‬ ‪#‎bePositive‬ ‪#‎GodisinControl‬